
Frenchman beaten after waving Israeli flag on Temple Mount could be charged

The Iranian tyrant claims that he is not an anti-Semite (although he has commonly questioned the Holocaust), and instead writes as someone grounded in “well-established Islamic principles”, the New York Post analysis reads.


“One such [Islamic principle] is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims”, Taheri wrote.

The man, Meir Ettinger, 23, is the grandson of Meir Kahane – the slain American-Israeli rabbi considered the father of far-right Jewish militancy – and is the author of a hate-filled blog that rails against the Israeli government and calls for the “dispossession” of the non-Jewish inhabitants of the holy land.

At the heels of the historic nuclear deal entered by Iran and six world powers including the United States, Iran’s Supreme Leader released a book on a very controversial topic: the destruction of Israel.

He had spread his anti-Arab and nationalist radical ideology, among others supporting the transfer of Arabs in Israel to Arab countries in exchange for Jewish population from Arab countries, and advocating for a religious rather than a democratic state. Iran has intercontinental missiles apparently capable of striking Israel, and past intelligence has indicated that Iran had researched fitting one of those missiles with a nuclear warhead.

With many Jews out of the picture, the Post claims, the region’s dynamics will have changed so much that local Palestinians will be able to force a vote to establish a Muslim state where Israel now stands, and take it over.

The book, according to Taheri, “has received approval from Khamenei’s office and is thus the most authoritative document regarding his position on the issue”.

He added that Israel, which he called “kaffir al-harbi” (a hostile infidel) and “a cancerous tumour”, need to be destroyed for having waged war on Muslims several times.

Khamenei’s “practical and logical mechanism” excludes the two-state formula in any form.

Khamenei boasts about the success of his plans to make life impossible for Israelis through terror attacks from Lebanon and Gaza.

Under Khamenei’s scheme, Israel, plus the West Bank and Gaza, would revert to a United Nations mandate for a brief period during which a referendum is held to create the new state of Palestine. He had lived in recent months in unauthorized Jewish settlement encampments in the West Bank set up by the “hilltop youth”, the Shin Bet said, using a term referring to radicalized Jewish teen squatters on West Bank hilltops who have been known to attack Palestinians and their property.


The report says that Khamenei speaks of the Holocaust in his book, calling it a “propaganda ploy”, and writing that “if there was such a thing, we don’t know why it happened and how”.

Frenchman beaten after waving Israeli flag on Temple Mount could be charged