
Fresh Eggs Have Higher Birth Rate Than Frozen Eggs

Kushnir and the researchers also cautioned that, while all signs have been reassuring thus far, there has not been extensive research regarding long-term safety issues in children born from frozen eggs.


In addition, Dr. Kushnir and colleagues say it is possible that oocyte quality could be compromised during the freezing and thawing process.

IVF and cryopreservation technologies are improving, and we may reach a point where the risks of freezing and preserving eggs have a negligible effect on the overall success. These include the age of the egg donor, the age of the woman having IVF, infertility diagnosis and embryo stage.

“Women who are considering electively freezing their own eggs for fertility preservation should be counselled that pregnancy chances with frozen eggs maybe somewhat lower then with fresh”, the doctor added.

The study by the New York-based Center for Human Reproduction analyzed data from 380 U.S. fertility centers that performed more than 90 percent of all IVF procedures in the study year of 2013. Researchers reportedly counted 11,148 IVF cycles involving donated eggs. There was a nearly 50 percent pregnancy success rate for in vitro fertilization cycles with fresh eggs, compared with a 43 percent success rate with frozen eggs.

Older women’s granulosa cells produce fewer cell receptors for follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which regulates the cycle, yet their production of cell receptors for ovulation-inducing luteinizing hormone (LH) spikes, according to the study. The created embryos may be transferred into the uterus instantly or frozen (cryopreserved) to be used at a later date. The percentage was marked slightly less than the live birth rate for women whose embryos were formulated with the assistance of fresh eggs which stood at 49.6%. the difference between the live birth rates of both the eggs appeared much starker when the researchers calculated the number of live births per embryo transferred. A new study has come up with a solution for older women who are in hopes of conceiving by making use of the alternative fertility treatment.

High-profile companies such as Google and Apple cover the expenses for the procedure just to keep their female employees busy longer at their office desks. So in other words, the future can be blocked and frozen up to the moment when we decide to do something with it. Babies can wait in the essence of women’s eggs that are preserved and kept in refrigerators. “When frozen eggs are employed, only a batch of six to eight eggs are provided”. That said, the researchers do suggest this is something that women need to keep in mind as they consider freezing their eggs for future use.


“While frozen donor egg cycles resulted in a somewhat lower percentage of live births than fresh in this national report, this outcome is not unexpected since recipients of frozen eggs typically get fewer eggs for a treatment half as expensive as traditional donor egg with fresh eggs”, said Dr. James Toner, president of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology.

In IVF, success rate for frozen donor eggs lags behind use of fresh eggs