
Fresh from DNC, Hillary Clinton heads to the Rust Belt

Immigrants were cast as criminals, or in some cases, potential terrorists.


“I alone can fix it”, Trump said as he accepted the GOP nomination in Cleveland.

He also criticized the Democratic convention as a whole for not addressing terrorism during the opening nights of the convention, noting that the word “ISIS” wasn’t mentioned on the first day.

In a sign of how she might try to restructure the American economy, Ms. Clinton said: “Wall Street, corporations, and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes”. Government may be gridlocked, but it was also framed as a tool for protecting and providing opportunity for the marginalized. Mr Clapper said he has “no hesitation” over briefing Trump, citing tradition and Trump’s successful clinching of the Republican nomination.

Clinton surrogates including Obama can help turn out voters in cities, while Kaine and Vice President Joe Biden, a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, may help Clinton with working-class voters, Rendell said.

The race is tight.

So, it was no surprise that Trump was in Toledo Wednesday, running mate Mike Pence, was in Lima Friday, Clinton and Kaine were in Youngstown Saturday and will conclude their bus tour in Columbus today at the Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center. That group of voters has eluded Mrs Clinton and was perhaps a hard sell after a Democratic convention that heavily celebrated racial and gender diversity.

“Just because you are optimistic doesn’t mean you are burying your head in the sand”, Fort said.

When Clinton came onstage and the president embraced her in a bear hug, he was passing along not just his own legacy as a two-term Democratic president but that of the consequential Republican presidents who preceded him as well.

That the nation is divided is hardly a revelation. Politics has become more polarized in recent years, with Democrats growing more liberal and Republicans growing more conservative. Clinton pitches her steadiness and depth of experience from eight years in the Senate and four years as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state.

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine with his wife Anne, and former president Bill Clinton at Temple University. It’s reflected in the tone and temperament of their campaigns, the backgrounds of the voters they’re courting and the policies they’re promising to enact.

The convention was an angry affair with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani ranting about crime and Clinton, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie leading a shocking anti-Clinton floor chant of “lock her up”. He made blunders that would have knocked out more conventional candidates – calling Mexicans “rapists”, suggesting that debate moderator Megyn Kelly of Fox News was tough on him because she was menstruating, even belittling former POW John McCain’s war record. He has said he would prevent efforts to do just that. It was a lively and productive exchange, and I remember thinking that this was one secretary of state who was extremely well-briefed and informed. She needs to recreate Obama’s coalition of blacks, Hispanics and women.

The parade of speakers at each convention, as well as the delegates in the arenas, hammered home those differences.

Much of the reporting from the convention focused on how Hillary Clinton would make peace with Bernie Sanders and his followers so she could avoid a damaging rebellion on the left.

Several speakers this week have gone after Trump including Michael Bloomberg. The results of that election could clarify the paths of these two parties, or not.

The Sanders and Clinton campaigns did compromise on the party platform with Clinton accepting more progressive positions that had been put forward by Sanders.

The measurement service reports Thursday’s final night of the Democratic gathering in Philadelphia averaged 29.8 million viewers from 10 to 11:45 p.m. ET, compared with 32.2 million who watched the equivalent night of Republican finale last week.


And third, Trump recently hired Paul Manafort as his campaign chairman.

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a rally in Philadelphia Pennsylvania