
Fresh water in building was for all

Because of that, into January, it’s still not safe enough to drink and may not be until the water infrastructure is completely overhauled. Kettering University, located in Flint, determined the lead-tainted water poisoned up to two percent of Flint citizens, including 23 children.


(Jake May/The Flint via AP).

He compared what is happening in Flint with what happened in Toledo during the summer of 2014 when a toxic mat of algae coated Lake Erie and cut off water for a half million people for several days. In one case, it was in the thousands.

“We’ve not yet made that decision”, Stabenow said. “It could be the way the samples were collected”. “There could be many more, and we’re assuming that”.

Tests began in the last week in December, and 26 sites out of about 4,000 showed the higher levels.

The state spending bill includes $500,000 for outside experts to study the integrity of the water system infrastructure. Making matters worse, the city was tasked with haggling over details laid out in its 30-year contact with its then-water supplier, Detroit Water and Sewage Department.

And people like Wiley believe that’s why the city is at the point it is now.

The water came at a time when Flint announced it had flunked some drinking water standards apart from the lead contamination that has spoiled tap water and caused a crisis. Flint’s recycling program, less than 3 years old, had little momentum before the water crisis. “The system is still recovering”.

Earlier on Wednesday, environmental and civil rights groups filed a lawsuit demanding the prompt replacement of all lead pipes at no cost to the Flint community.

It is the second round of funding enacted since the crisis was confirmed in the fall.

Snyder said he has gotten support through what he called a “challenging” time.

The governor has admitted mistakes were made and it is clearly reflected in these EPIC-MRA polling numbers. On Friday, Snyder said that both the federal EPA and state Department of Environmental Quality “missed it”. But he remains the target of criticism, including longshot efforts to recall him from office.

DTMB spokesman Caleb Buhs said the same thing.

“This was a failure of government at every level – federal, state and local”.

Senate Democrats on Thursday proposed up to $400 million in emergency federal aid to Flint, Michigan, half of what the state’s Republican governor says it will cost to replace and fix the city’s lead-contaminated pipes.


“Sadly, the only response was to protect the Snyder administration from future liability and not to protect the children of Flint”, Scott said. He said he didn’t know if workers promoted that it was available. The document at issue-dated January 7, 2015-is an administrative order showing the state had chose to provide bottled-water coolers “positioned near water fountains” in state offices so that workers could “choose which water to drink”. It went on to say it will continue as long as Flint water doesn’t meet treatment requirements.

Emails Show State Was Providing Purified Water To Employees While Telling Flint Residents It Was Safe To Drink