
Fries With That? McDonald’s Food Order Limit At The Olympic Village

Australian badminton player Sawan Serasinghe ended his 2016 Olympic games with a huge feast from McDonald’s: four packs of chicken nuggets, six burgers, six packs of fries, and six cakes.


McDonald’s is the Rio Olympic Village’s most popular restaurant and it’s free for athletes and coaches, according to The Washington Post.

McDonald’s has a reputation for being, well, not the healthiest place to eat-certainly not where you’d think top athletes would dine.

Years of training to become one of the best athletes in the world surely takes a lot of hard work and dedication – and a strict diet.

It seems McDonald’s is the preferred cheat meal for the world’s Olympic athletes.

It turns out Serasinghe is just one of many Olympians who are eating at the Golden Arches in Rio de Janeiro. The reason for the crowds at McDonald’s might transcend its popularity and the free food could be a factor as well.

“The last time we came, the girl was just looking at us like, ‘Whoa.’ But then we were like, ‘We’re ordering for other people as well, ‘ ” Afoa said.

“Athletes are not expected to eat this”.

Usain Bolt reportedly ate 100 nuggets a day during the 2008 Beijing Games, and has apparently kept up the habit in Rio – although maybe not in the same quantity.

Monien expected some athletes would avoid fast food, particularly before competition.

The badminton player did not win the match that day, and though it saddened him a bit – which could be one reason for the binge as well.

As much as MCD shareholders would love it if a Big Mac combo really was the key to Olympic glory, it’s immaterial for the bottom line or MCD stock.


Athletes celebrate the end of Olympics in a variety of ways.

The badminton player did not win the match that day and though it saddened him a bit- which could be one reason for the binge as well