
Front pages document Hillary Clinton’s historic moment without photo of her

On a night awash in history, Hillary Clinton triumphantly became the first woman to lead a major American political party toward the White House, breaking through a barrier that painfully eluded her eight years ago.


Engineer Chris Scully, of Troy, New York, said he opposes Clinton because of her war record as US secretary of state. He traced their more than 40-year political and personal partnership in deep detail.

“She has been around a long time”, he acknowledged. We don’t think she really believes in a true democracy.

Few things proved more controversial during this Democratic primary than superdelegates – the elite class of Democratic presidential delegates who are not bound to vote the way their states voted in primaries and caucuses, and may vote however they choose.

On Thursday evening, he’ll get a rare national spotlight: a speech from the convention floor before Clinton takes the stage to accept her party’s nomination. It means listening to the hopes and dreams of her sister, her mother, and her female friends and never silencing them. “It’s a process”, Vice President Joe Biden told reporters on Tuesday.

“The biggest thing Bernie taught me is how to forgive”, said Matt Kiley of Peacham, Vt.

Hawk said meeting other supporters of Sanders’ movement has shown her that there are others who, like her, who realize change is needed.

Small protests popped up around downtown Philadelphia on Wednesday and no marches were planned, making for quieter streets on Day 3 of the Democratic convention.

It is worth noting, that the former president did not take all the front pages. I saw that when I met them, I see that every time I see them together.

A few blocks away at a pro-Bernie Sanders rally near City Hall, supporters of the Vermont senator continued to express anger over Clinton’s victory, which numerous “Bernie or Bust” devotees say was stolen from Sanders. At a press conference Wednesday morning, delegate Karen Bernal of the Bernie Delegates Network confirmed that delegates objecting inside had coordinated with protesters outside. Trump could only get a few B-list has-beens to speak for him at the convention, whereas Clinton (as is usually true of the liberal Democratic candidate) will have numerous stars willing to campaign for her.

The 68-year-old former secretary of state will accept the nomination on the last day of the party’s convention in Philadelphia on Thursday, becoming the Democratic standard-bearer against Trump in the November 8 election.

In the roll-out of Hillary Clinton’s VP pick, Sen. To remain credible, she must be straight with voters about whether and how that would be possible without growing an already crushing national debt. He will reportedly focus on attracting white male voters-a demographic the former secretary of state has struggled to gain traction with-to the Clinton campaign.

Police briefly barred the entrances to the media tent, even keeping out some journalists, but did not arrest the protesters.

GOP holdouts included many top leaders – former Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush, past nominees Mitt Romney and John McCain, defeated rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich.

Earlier in the day, half a dozen Sanders delegates spoke to about 300 demonstrators gathered at a plaza near City Hall, about 4 miles from the convention site, for rallies and speeches.

It’s not clear how Bill Clinton would function as America’s first First Gentleman. She doesn’t care about that.

WATCH: Can Hillary Clinton win over USA voters by November’s presidential election?

Isabel Baker, an 88-year-old delegate from Oklahoma, was born in 1929, just nine years after women were given the right to vote.


“As of yesterday, I guess officially our campaign ended”, Sanders said in reference to Clinton officially securing the nomination. In North Carolina, he told a convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars that “our politicians have totally failed you”.

Roles reversed: Hillary wins nomination, Bill gives supportive spousal speech