
Fun for all at Gatwick Airport autism awareness day

In addition to being parents of children with autism, two of the panelists work for the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence, an organization that serves families, educators and professionals who work with students with autism and low-incidence disabilities. The different colours and shapes represent the diversity of the people and families living with the condition.


The Carmarthenshire brand of the National Autistic Society will also be attending the event.

“Seeing the Elliott Tower in a symphony of blue really capped a great week for autism programming here at Oakland”, said Chaturi Edrisinha, Ph.D., associate professor in Human Development and Child Studies and director of research for the Center for Autism.

They also provide a resource to the general public who wish to find out more about autism.

The main goal of celebrating the day is to improve the understanding of the people worldwide towards the people with Autism issues.

This sounds very much like one of my favorite prayers, the Prayer of Serenity: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

“I run a programme in Barbados called “The More Than Words Programme” and it is a training programme for caregivers and parents who have children with autism”.

Early signs of autismThere are several signs that could mean a child has autism, mainly involving how they communicate and interact.

How is autism diagnosed?

Treatment for autismThere is no cure for autism, although an official diagnosis can help children get appropriate care and support.

“Autism is not genetic, it could happen to anyone and can affect any family”. Some of the most common include SPELL, TEACCH, Social Stories and counselling, but choosing the right one will come down to each individual case.

To raise awareness, the Autism Society of Southern Arizona is holding its “10th annual Autism Walk and Resource Fair” this Saturday.


Kaeli Peer, another sorority sister, shared a testimonial of her experience teaching autistic children to swim.

Fun for all at Gatwick Airport autism awareness day