
Furious India to boycott Commonwealth event in Islamabad if Jammu and Kashmir

Pakistan will not invite the speaker of the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly to the upcoming Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference as it would compromise its position on the Kashmir issue, their government said today.


The meeting noted that since Speakers of all the state Assemblies are members of the ‘India Region of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)’, it was wrong to single out Jammu and Kashmir Assembly and not invite its Speaker.

India has threatened to boycott the conference due to the step of Pakistan for not inviting the assembly of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir for participation in the conference.

The ministry of external affairs said that the “unilateral decision of Pakistan in not inviting Jammu & Kashmir CPA Branch to the 61st CPA Conference violates the provisions of the CPA Constitution, a fact which has been recognized by both CPA Secretariat and the chairperson of its Executive Committee. After finalisation of the agenda, it will be shared with India“, said Sartaj Aziz while not ruling out the talks altogether with some officials suggesting that Pakistan may propose new dates for the same.

As per reports, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has said that a meeting of Speakers of all states has unanimously decided to boycott the meeting.

For latest news on mobile and tablet, download IndiaTV Android app and iOS app. Pakistan has already extended invitations to 30 Indian Assemblies, including Parliament. “Jammu and Kashmir is an inseparable part of India”, he added.

The decision of the Speakers comes against the backdrop of simmering tensions between the two countries over the recent terror attacks in Gurdaspur in Punjab and near Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir by terrorists, perpetrated by terrorists who had infiltrated from Pakistan.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Renewing the commitment to pluralism and inclusive democracy in the Commonwealth”. “Pakistan has deliberately done this to humiliate India. I would like to thank the speaker of the lower house and the legislative assembly members for taking a strong decision”.


In the past at a Track Two conference in Islamabad, Pakistan had declined to grant a visa to a BJP parliamentarian from the Valley.

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