
Furious Sanders backers weighing challenge to Kaine nomination

Hillary Clinton debuted running mate Sen.


CLEVELAND, Ohio – Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, her vice-presidential running mate will launch a bus tour of two critical battlegrounds – Pennsylvania and Ohio – following this week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Clinton said that if elected she hopes to end the partisan gridlock in Washington D.C., and Tim Kaine echoed those sentiments by praising Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

“I’m sure he’s not going to opine on whether a carbon tax is better than a cap-and-trade mechanism”, Kaine said of the pope days before the encyclical was published in 2015.

Kaine added: “It is beneath the character of the kind of dialogue we should have, because we’ve got real serious problems to solve”.

When asked by CBS’ Scott Pelly if he would be ready to be president if needed, Kaine said he was “ready to lead”.

A former mayor as well governor, Kaine is an experienced politician and has been thoroughly vetted.

She said her running mate fights for minorities’ rights and is fully committed to immigration reform.

In the interview, Clinton also offered more details on her pledge to make sure the “middle class will not get a tax increase”, defining the “middle class” as those who earn less than $250,000 per year.

Luckily Clinton has Elizabeth Warren for those times when she really needs to sling some mud.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said Sunday on Meet The Press that he would have preferred Hillary Clinton select left-wing Sen.

The Kaines visited their church a day after Kaine made his campaign debut with Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Wasserman Schultz has been a lightning rod throughout the presidential campaign for criticism from the party’s more liberal wing, with Sanders repeatedly accusing the national party of favoring Clinton despite officially being neutral.

And later in an appearance on NBC Sunday Trump called choosing Kaine a “slap in the face to Bernie Sanders and everybody” but said it was positive for his own campaign. “He is more conservative than I am”, Sanders said.

Kaine learned Spanish from his co-workers in his father’s iron-working shop in his native Kansas City.

Wikileaks has posted some of the emails that include several denunciations of Clinton’s primary rival, Bernie Sanders, and his supporters.


One of the issues that has been hard for Clinton to shake is that of her private email server – she promised it wouldn’t be a mistake she’d make twice.

Hillary doesn't get it She doesn't need to move toward the middle — she needs to move toward the anti-establishment