
Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam sentenced to death

It is worth mentioning here that Saif al-Islam was educated at the London School of Economics and he was the most high-profile of Colonel Gaddafi’s eight children.


Since the west’s “coalition of the willing” intervention in Libya that helped remove Gaddafi from power three years ago, Libya has descended into chaos.

Among the others sentenced to death were ex-intelligence boss Abdullah Senussi and Kadhafi’s last prime minister Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmudi, but they both have the option of appealing to the supreme court. Another lawyer, Hussien Al-Sherif, described the verdicts as “very harsh”.

“It is my personal opinion that this sentencing unacceptable given Libya’s current situation”, said Rugibani. I am 100 percent sure that the militias won’t send him to Tripoli – that just won’t happen. We were not expecting this.

His 17-year-old daughter Salma said her father had been denied a fair trial.

Meanwhile, New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the trial was flawed.

“It is crucial to ensure accountability for serious human rights violations”.

He is also wanted by the worldwide Criminal Court.

Seif al-Islam Gadhafi has been sentenced to death for crimes committed during the 2011 uprising in Libya.

Tripoli is now controlled by a self-declared government set up after an armed faction called Libya Dawn seized the capital in August, expelling the internationally recognised government, which then decamped to far eastern Libya. An Islamist regime now rules the central government, but violent battles between scores of regional militias have continued unchecked.

Only 29 of the 38 Gadhafi-era figures were present in court.

Other defendants received sentences ranging from five years to life imprisonment, according to the BBC. This has created a vacuum of power that, in many parts of the country, has led to various militia groups and militants, including the “Islamic State” (IS or ISIS), taking control, even running jihadi training camps. But after the start of the uprising, he angrily rallied Libyans to back his father and fiercely denounced his opponents as criminals and “rats”.

Seif al-Islam Gadhafi tried and failed to rally support for his…


Among the charges he was convicted of were incitement of murder and rape.

Libya Dawn