
Gal Gadot is going through a “minor identity crisis”.

Teasing her upcoming solo film, Entertainment Weekly has given us a full glimpse at Themyscira, the secret island where the great Amazon women who littered Greek myth made their home; thriving for harmonious centuries, tucked away from the whims and influences of mankind. “And their love for her manifests in a different way for each of them.” .


Hippolyta longs to shelter and protect her daughter while Antiope is determined to prepare her for the outside world. Jenkins says Diana is “the only child they raised together”. Presumably the Wonder Woman movie will bring us an origin story that shows how she leaves Themyscira.

Warner Bros. knows that Wonder Woman is the real reason people are lining up to see Batman v Superman and it plans on capitalizing on her buzz.

Wonder Woman is not the only one to get feisty in “Batman v Superman”.

After having to put up with Batman, Superman and Lex Luthor’s brawling in Batman v Superman, Wonder Woman/Diana Prince will be seen with her fellow warrior women next summer.

Gadot recently spoke to Variety about her experience in portraying Wonder Woman.

The costume designer, Lindy Hemming, took care in making the armor practical while also showing off the women’s battle-hardened bodies.

“I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight bad***, and look great at the same time-the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body”.

The superhero genre has always been skewed to male characters but female characters have slowly become a larger presence in recent years.

Now, Entertainment Weekly has posted the first photo from the “Wonder Woman” set.


Good casting is one thing – but the look they are pulling off here is another. She has a crucial role in the first Justice League movie due out in November 2017 and will finally be the star of her own long-awaited film, which will hit screens next June (17). Until the big bad Doomsday shows up, forcing her into action, shield, sword, bracelets, lasso and all.

Gal Gadot