
Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman inspired by Princess Diana

The debut trailer for DC’s highly (highly highly highly…) anticipated and long (long long long…) awaited Wonder Woman movie premiered at San Diego Comic Con on Saturday (July 23), and the film looks awesome.


The Israeli-born star said the movie, due out next year (17), is a story of a girl becoming a woman.

Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, J.K. Simmons, Amber Heard, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher, Justice League: Part 1 is now scheduled for a November 17, 2017 release. Watch the trailer below.

Actress Gal Gadot says her Wonder Woman has been inspired by Britain’s Princess Diana.

Because she lived a very safe and sheltered life, Diana Prince knew little of the outside world.

She said: “She leads from her heart not from her head”.

Coming across American pilot Steve Trevor after he crashes on the island of Themyscira, he tells her about the global conflict and she leaves her home to try to stop it. “Gal Gadot has done a attractive job and I think people will really, really like the film”, Pine told the Belfast Telegraph.


But for fans who believed that Wonder Woman was the best thing to come out of Batman v. Superman, as well as fans who have cherished the character and been waiting for what seems like forever to see the character in her own movie, this is an exciting start.

Hell yeah! Trailers for Wonder Woman and Justice League Out On Same Day