
Gallup Poll: Americans More Positive About Dems Than GOP After Conventions

The poll, conducted over the weekend, found Trump and Clinton deadlocked with 45 percent of the vote.


The Republican convention was held in Cleveland from July 18 to 21 and the Democratic convention in Philadelphia from July 25 to 28. The Manhattan billionaire is still locked in a tight race against the former secretary of state, as the RealClearPolitics polling average showed Clinton with a 2.2% lead over Trump.

In the CBS poll, Clinton gained with Democrats who had been undecided before the convention, but she didn’t seem to woo voters who had previously supported Trump.

CBS found the bump similar to what President Barack Obama got in 2008 and 2012, but well below the 13-point bounce that Bill Clinton got in 1992.

But the polling news isn’t all bad for Trump.

Trump, though, led by 7 points in the previous poll taken by this outfit (on July 20-26).

Forty-six percent of voters say they’ll vote for Clinton in November, while 39 percent say they’ll back Trump.

Republican candidate Donald Trump has called Democratic rival Hillary Clinton “the devil”, in the face of continuing fire from within his own party. In the first poll conducted after both conventions, that situation has changed.

Over the years, Gallup has asked voters whether or not, following each major party convention, they were more or less likely to vote for a party’s candidate after the convention.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson received 4 percent, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 1 percent.

Hillary Clinton is beating Donald Trump by three points in Pennsylvania, according to a Public Policy poll released Monday.

In a speech to the convention last week, Vermont senator Mr Sanders said Mrs Clinton “must become the next president”. Those viewing the Democratic nominee in a positive light rose from 31 to 36 percent, while those with a negative view of Clinton were at 50 percent, down from 56 percent.


Clinton got a four-point bounce after her party’s convention, compared to a two-point bump for Trump after his convention.

Hillary Clinton Happy