
Game of Thrones Delivers a Lethal Comedian Cameo

Game of Thrones has been steadily building towards this for the duration of the season, and it looks like the producers have gone all out in the next episode.


The official teasers and synopses are out and has led to WILD speculation, but nothing’s quite hit us as hard in the hype-stakes as this EPIC fan-made trailer for the upcoming episode.

And while we missed him in the last episode, titled “No One”, of the popular TV series, we found this guy whose got striking resemblance to Snow.

In case you haven’t seen the video preview for the next episode, you can find it here.

And, as usual, the penultimate episode will feature some epic battle scenes. Every part of it. Yea, even that one obscure book fact only you noticed.

Now that they are reunited, Jon and Sansa are resigned to taking back their home at Winterfell from the Boltons, who along with his father Roose betrayed their brother Robb and stole control of the North from the Stark family.

Do we think both will emerge that battle this weekend alive?

It reportedly took more than 600 crew members and 500 extras to make the climactic “Game of Thrones” episode “Battle of the Bastards”. “Toward the end of the season, there are moments of incredible savagery”, says John Bradley, who plays Samwell Tarly. Bonus points if Jon lets Sansa swing the final blow. It’s hard to picture Ramsay showing an ounce of compassion toward the Wildings. Most likely, we’ll see Jon and Sansa’s battle juxtaposed with another siege, where we’ll be hoping for a vastly different outcome. Many believe if it would come down to a fight between the two that John Snow with his superior training and better sword would win the fight eventually.


Miguel Sapochick, who also filmed the Battle of Hardhome, states that they wanted to do a lot more strategic battlefield maneuvers which the crew could not carry in the previous seasons due to budgetary constraints. With her work done, Daenerys will no longer have a reason to stay and rule Meereen, leaving her free to pursue other seats of power in Westeros.

'Game of Thrones' season 6 episode 9 spoilers: Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton face off; will Petyr Baelish and the Knights of the Vale arrive?