
Game of Thrones’ Kristian Nairn on What Hodor Would Say to Bran

Season 6 of HBO’s Game of Thrones came to quite an explosive end for many, but for those left standing, their positions have never been stronger. Fans in San Diego for the annual Comic-Con International had to deal with the fact that the wait for a new season of Game of Thrones is going to be a little longer than usual.


“They became sitting ducks, which seemed awful and a complete bummer”, he said and added that a few cost-cutting measured were taken, such as creating a wall of shields (to block the action that they weren’t able to shoot) and moving a group of 275 bodies from place to place to make it seem like more. Casey confirmed that the Game of Thrones season 7 will consist of seven episodes instead of the usual 10. Benioff and Weiss were quick to speak to the delays in terms of winter FINALLY coming to Westeros, which was a welcome sentiment in the hall.

Titled “Game of Thrones” Season 7: In-Production Tease, the video mostly showed the behind-the-scenes scenarios of creating the favorite TV series. HBO is likely not going to air “Game of Thrones” when they have yet another show to prioritize, such as “Westworld”.

Ironically, it was Iwan Rheon, Ramsay Bolton himself, who had the least peaceable answer to the question: He suggested they melt down the Iron Throne and install a democracy. “I think she believes it was probably more of a joint effort in terms of battle of the bastards”, said Turner, according to TIME. I’m not sure she thinks Jon is capable of being King of the North.

Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei): “I have a similar motive in that I have to say Daenerys for the loyalty thing, she’s a good girl, she can be very ferocious but she generally wants to care for people… but at the same time I’m also excited for the Starks to come together so who knows?”

Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark): “I think we should have a four pronged Stark dream team….” Benioff recalled his conversation with Weiss and book author George R.R. Martin, and learning of Hodor’s fate: “I just remember looking at Dan, and we were just so amazed and excited, because it’s so freaking cool”.

Actor Kristian Nairn received the loudest welcome as he entered the panel at the annual San Diego pop culture event, as fans chanted “Hodor” over and over again.

Weiss and Benioff have said it themselves.


Hmm, what do you think “Sansa’s Ch-” will be? AP material published by, is done so with explicit permission. This includes the preparation of derivative works of, or the incorporation of such content into other works. Please see our terms of service for more information.

Game of Thrones' Kristian Nairn on What Hodor Would Say to Bran