
Game of Thrones Recap Season 6, Episode 8: No One

He even went on later to allow her and Pod- the squire to later escape unharmed even though he ruthlessly professed his undying love for Cersei by saying the same words from the very first episode of season one “the things we do for love”, when he pushed Bran Stark off the tower. There’s also a shot of that cache blowing up, but we’ll get to that in a moment. All was forgiven when Daenerys Stormborn appears and we see Drogon flying about in the background.


Next week’s “Battle of the Bastards” episode was submitted in the most categories, and is the sole submission in the writing category for the show which came with the briefest of cryptic descriptions that reads: “Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted”. Viewers last saw Westeros’ answer to napalm as it ravaged Stannis Baratheon’s fleet back in “Blackwater”, lighting up the titular Blackwater Bay in an impressive display of fluorescent green fire – at least, that’s the last sighting of the stuff in a modern day context. We will now see Arya head back to Westeros though and possibly link up with her siblings, although along the way could she possibly take someone life from her hit-list, Cersei perhaps? Tommen decrees that trial by combat will be abolished and replaced by trial by the faith, much to Cersei’s dismay.

I’m glad Brienne of Tarth didn’t have to fight her BFF Jamie Lannister.

It’s Snow versus (former) Snow in the penultimate episode of series six of Game of Thrones and TV fans everywhere are wondering if Iwan Rheon’s Ramsay Bolton will finally get his comeuppance. Arya leads the Waif into the catacombs and kills the Waif, before returning her face to the House of Black and White and declaring that she is Arya Stark. Maggy also tells Cersei that all of her children will die.

Cersei still faces her trial and King Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) announced a kibosh on trial by combat. This one is less a theory and more of a hope, since Lady Stoneheart is a major character in the books. “She can’t think like how they want her to because the whole reason she’s there is that she wants to go back”.

The last piece of the puzzle is an event in A Feast For Crows when Cersei is searching for Tyrion after Joffery is poisoned. Cersei promised Tommen she would “burn cities to the ground” to protect him. Including burning King’s Landing down.

Another interesting thing to note is the fact that not long after this conversation is had between Cersei and Qyburn, there is a scene involving a rather lengthy conversation between Cersei’s brother, Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), and Edmure Tully (Tobias Menzies).

Maisie Williams speaking at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con International, for “Game of Thrones”, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. There’s a sense of reluctant familiarity here, as if both Jaime and Brienne wish they didn’t know each other so well.

As “Game of Thrones” prepares for war, Jaime and Brienne are caught in the middle of a tension knowing that will be fighting opposing sides.


What will happen at Cersei’s trial on “Game of Thrones”? How else would you explain what they’ve got going on at present?

It's Stark v Bolton in the Game of Thrones episode nine trailer