
“Game of Thrones” Recap: The Hound’s Alive, but Will Arya Die?

His character helped usher in the return of The Hound, played by Rory McCann, who was thought to have died in season five.


All of this happened while The Hound was off cutting some wood.

Their next stop was House Glover and that’s where Sansa reminded Lord Glover about his house’s allegiance to the Starks, but it didn’t help much.

Now coming to the former Queen Cersei, she and Lady Olenna have a confrontation in this episode. She always knows where Arya is and is always lurking in the shadows, seeing everything Arya does. Grams doesn’t want to with her grandson rotting in prison but a note from her grand-daughter (with a picture of a flower) is enough to get her packing. But they all pale in comparison to the unimpressed Lyanna Mormont, who shut down both Jon and Sansa for Stark-splaining her. We all know how Game of Thrones is not for the faint of heart, but we also know that the show has balanced it with some tense survivals.

– In King’s Landing, Maergery is still playing the faithful servant to the High Sparrow. Cersei, however, is not leaving her son, no matter how lost his mind is.

If what Brother Ray tells Sandor Clegane in this episode is true, and the gods (or a single god, whatever) have punished The Hound already, then the comeuppance for the Brotherhood looks to be at hand.

Somewhere else, Yara and Theon were in hiding, hanging out in a pub somewhere, slappin’ asses. She appears briefly in the distance at the Stark forces’ snowy encampment. With the Faceless Men believing that she is dead, she could leave Braavos in peace without fear that they would follow her back to Westeros. The young leader promises only 62 men, and the group was unable to get support from House Glover. The two of them should probably have a wash before they get there.

Thankfully, I’m not the only one who thinks so because someone on Imgur has done some serious detective work on Sansa’s letter from this week’s episode and worked out roughly what it says.


The downfall of the Lannisters continued when Jaime made it to Riverrun and Brynden made it clear that he won’t be vacating the castle any time soon. At the end of their exchange, the Queen handed her grandmother a drawing of a flower, their house sigil, a symbol of her ever-strong allegiance to her family and her house. Would it hurt them to slow down a little? When they get there, they see that the Freys have Edmure Tully and they’re going to kill him if Blackfish doesn’t yield. No one seems to particularly be in a hurry to go to war and old characters keep springing out of the woodwork.

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