
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, Episode 7 recap

He’s “The Broken Man”.


There have been some high profile cast additions in Game of Thrones Season 6 – from major players like Max Von Sydow’s Three Eyed Raven to smaller bit-parts like Richard E Grant as the theatre troupe leader. “ASoIaF” fans have long theorized that a very different character called Gravedigger is a reanimated Sandor Clegane in the books, and Martin is yet to shoot that particular fan theory down, but the reanimated Hound we saw last night comes at a very unusual time on this show where I have literally no clue where he could possibly fit in the overall narrative. We next catch up with Beric as he’s leading the Brotherhood Without Banners, and learn that the Mountain fought Beric’s forces and killed many, including Dondarrion himself.

In the final shots of the episode, Sandor grabbed his axe, presumably going after them – because in Westeros, getting reaquainted with your killer instincts is just like riding a bike!

It’s Game of Thrones, so magic is always an option.

“Fighting is a disease; you don’t cure a disease by spreading it to more people”, said Brother Ray.

The viewers had hardly digested the return of Uncle Benjen, when the Game of Thrones’ Sunday episode “The Broken Man” brought another man believed to have died back to the story line. However, she is approached by an old woman, who turns out to be the woman Arya has been battling at The House of Black and White. As she looked across the water contemplating her new start, the faceless wench, Waif, came and stabbed her up real nice. Her mother, Maege Mormont, was head of House Mormont and swore allegiance to Robb Stark when Jon Umber proclaimed him King in the North. The last time it was done was in the season five premiere.

However, it will be pretty interesting to see: how it would be possible for The Hound to return to the Kings Landing and jump into fight against his brother.

Margaery Tyrell’s conversion to the Sparrows is just a ploy by the resourceful queen. But to what end? How will she spin her misfortune into favour?

Meanwhile, Jon, Sansa and Davos were doing the rounds to try and get a huge army to take on the Boltons, but they came across many hurdles. Even though his actions may seem favourable at first, he would definitely not risk everything for House Stark. Lyanna is also hesitant to team with Jon and Sansa, because he’s a bastard and she’s been married twice – is she Sansa Bolton, or still Sansa Lannister? The High Sparrow would be quaking in his… well, bare feet. At the episode’s close she was left wandering the streets, desperately trying to hold in the blood seeping out of her wounds.


Elsewhere, while Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) was being punished and stabbed for her betrayal, The Hound was living a normal and hard-working life amongst the poor. Well, wonder about who that is no more, folks, because the super sleuths over at Reddit have not only figured out what Sansa’s letter says, but to whom it was intended based on the contents of it. And, yeah: if you guessed Littlefinger (like we did in our recap), you’re right.
