
‘Game of Thrones,’ season 6 episode 8: There will be violence

There was a bit of confusion for Game Of Thrones fans at the end of the most recent episode, which aired on Sunday night and we were all left scratching our heads, wondering what rumour Cersei was whispering about.


Clearly, HBO is really trying now to play up the hyper-secrecy angle when it comes to “Game of Thrones” and their final two episodes of the season. But now, this promo gives us our first exciting glimpse of the battle that awaits us. And so will Brienne for Sansa. The scale of these scenes is far beyond that of recent episodes, with Jon Snow’s army of Wildlings and assorted loyal northern houses facing off against Ramsay Bolton’s army of nasties in the battle over the Stark stronghold of Winterfell.

After a few cryptic moments in the episode, one specific theory about Cersei’s method of putting up a fight has risen above the rest: thanks to some scheming with ex-maester Qyburn, it’s likely that she’ll be fighting with literal fire sometime soon.

Ultimately, in the end we really shouldn’t be too surprised about this, given the network’s history this season.

Mylod wanted to make it clear that Arya is human – she makes mistakes just like everyone else.

We can not wait to see what happens. This could be related to the manifestations of the desires of the Mad King, Aerys but could also point to the possibility of what Cersei is about to turn kings landing to. To see the episode whenever you want to is truly a perk for any die-hard fan of the series.

The GoT theory goes on to say that Jaime Lannister will have to kill Cersei, fulfilling the prophecy that her children would die and that the valonqar will kill her. Valonqar means “little brother”, and Jaime is the younger twin.

Although Cersei Lannister loves her children to the point of declaring war, Tommen’s death is more likely collateral damage by her insane plan. The Waif’s weapon is a knife, but Arya has Needle. With a literal ax to grind in hand, he took out a handful of the men who murdered his religious brotherhood.

Faye Marsey’s ruthless assassin had found her mark and was hellbent on adding her Stark mug to the Hall of Faces.


Arya then led the Waif into an underground cave and killed her.

Ramsay Bolton smirks when he sees Sansa's army