
Game Of Thrones Series Six Footage Released

In Game of Thrones that’s as close as you get to a certainty.


The US network has created a three minute video about 2015 and its lineup of shows and films for 2016 which included around four seconds from the next season of the fantasy drama.

Press PLAY on the video below (the Game of Thrones stuff comes in around the 2:15 mark), then hit the comments with your thoughts on the new season! First there’s a shot of Daenerys Targaryen, played by Emilia Clarke, looking emotional while standing by a lake. Nope, no Jon Snow. Bet you’re already feeling the excitement with every tease released by HBO online.

Also teased are new seasons of Silicon Valley, Ballers and Vice, digital shorts from Jon Stewart, a Whitney Cummings comedy special and more.

‘We watch. We listen, and we remember, ‘ the voiceover says, along with the shots of the fallen leader, who is widely rumoured to be returning this season. The character was last seen getting surrounded by a Dothraki horde.

Finally, there’s Cersei Lannister.

And leading the way, in the eyes of many, is Game of Thrones Season 6.

Looking at her face, Cersei does seem like she might have learnt a few things about humility – after being forced to walk naked through the streets of King’s Landing – but as it’s Game Of Thrones it’s probably not wise to get our hopes up about how nice Cersei might have become.


Meanwhile Cersei’s moment of affection with her youngest son suggests that we are witnessing her being reunited with Tommen for the first time since her release from incarceration by the Faith Militant.

Game of Thrones: New HBO Promo Features First Season 6 Footage