
Gameplay trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

However, gamers will have to wait a bit longer to play the multiplayer mode dubbed Metal Gear Online.


The system requirements were posted in the game’s Steam forums yesterday by Metal Gear Solid community manager Robert Peeler.

You can listen to the show directly below, or if you prefer to listen on your phone or mobile device, the podcast is available via iTunes, Stitcher, or Blubrry.

To achieve the best “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” graphics, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 is required.

“We’ve been able to successfully operate our production schedule and change the release date from September 15th, to day-and-date with our console release on September 1st!” The question is, does your PC have what it takes to run it? Amid the current Gamescom festivities, Konami released a pair of new videos. Ah, nostalgia.

Be sure to reserve your copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Seriously, just look at that trailer and try tell us you’re not jumping around like a kid at Christmas. No?

Asahi News, interviewed a former Konami employee in 2013, who suffered severe distress because he was demoted from being a game developer to a worker in Konami’s pachi-slot factory.


MGS 5 The Phantom Pain is definitely one of the most anticipated games this year and regardless of the drama going on between Kojima and Konami, we are expecting it be a memorable experience.

Gamescom 2015: Metal Gear Solid V Gamescom Trailer Revealed