
Gamescom 2015: Fighter Squadron gameplay from Star Wars Battlefront

Be sure to check it out, cuz it’s well good and that.


Coming November 17th Star Wars Battlefront will compete with this falls most promising first-person shooters for supremacy ahead of the holiday season. Beyond the game’s basic mechanics, you also have to adapt to being in a vehicle with momentum – this makes it hard to stay constantly locked on to one target, and the targets themselves fly by at great speed.

Commands issued by allies also hint at the type of set-up players can expect, with the mission demonstrated orbiting around an Imperial transport attempting to make it out of the planet’s atmosphere. These are worth even more points and basically, the team with the biggest score at the end of a set period wins (or the first to 200, in our matches).

The trailer above depicts a game of Fighter Squadron on the rocky, lava-covered planet Sullust, switching back and forth between both Rebel and Imperial fighters.

Fighter Squadron will be included in Star Wars Battlefront when the game launches on November 17.

It was revealed in the new Fighter Squadron mode that has up to 20 other players flying around as well. Players can look forward to controlling X-Wings, A-Wings, TIE Fighters and Tie Interceptors. Each one has their own traits, and can teach their style to you in order to hone your driving skills.

All in all, it was a fantastic showing from Star Wars: Battlefront. You can read a bit more about the creation of Sullust in EA’s post, where you’ll also find some high-res images to download, print out, and stick on your fridge. And beside the appeal of piloting the Millennium Falcon in this video game, the footage itself just looks incredible.

At Gamescom 2015, the studio has delivered a gameplay video with Fighter Squadron, showcasing the intense aerial battles possible in this 20vs20 competitive multiplayer mode. Gamers will be able to play as some of the most memorable characters in the original trilogy such as Darth Vader and Boba Fett.


Star Wars: Battlefront looks to be making every Star Wars’ fans come to life as they can engage in the stunning star wars universe in a big multiplayer arena.

Star Wars Battle Front- Fighter Squadron Mode Showcases Dogfights In All Their Glory