
Garland would move Supreme Court to left, but how far?

This not-so-thinly-veiled threat is a poor choice, because it shows that McConnell and other Republicans in the Senate are willing to greatly increase partisanship to get their way.


The Senate is scheduled to be on recess for the next two weeks, which would allow Obama to appoint Garland to the seat left vacant by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. without Senate action.

Merrick Garland is presently the Chief Judge of the Appeals Court of Washington.

“I guess I have a little trouble following his logic”, said Patty Judge, a former Lieutenant Governor who recently announced she will challenge Grassley and plans to put his opposition to the Garland nomination at the center of her campaign. One is to demonstrate to the Republican base something that they now very much doubt which is there is some reason to want the Republicans to control the Senate.

Many believe that the Senator is immovable on the allowance of a vote, and with his Sunday appearance on Fox News, there is reasonable evidence of this. That’s all: “I hope they are fair”, Obama said Wednesday in the Rose Garden, with the nominee at his side.

The process of replacing a Supreme Court justice should be about following the guidelines of the Constitution and protecting the functioning of our judicial system.

“Even though Barack Obama calls him a moderate he’s opposed by the NRA”, he said, adding the National Federation of Independent Business also opposes Garland and the New York Times has said he would make the court more liberal. Robert Bork – and having advocated the blockage of any Supreme Court nominee by a Republican president in the run-up to a presidential election. Of course they’re going to say that this decision was made purely on Garland’s merits, and politics never entered in to it, that Garland was picked because he’s eminently qualified, and he’s well-respected by both Democrats and Republicans.

Senator Mitch McConnell talks to CNN’s Candy Crowley on State of the Union, on Sunday, April 1, 2012.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The leader of the Republican-controlled Senate is ruling out the idea of considering President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee after the November election — as one GOP colleague has suggested.

“I think all of the candidates for president ought to be discouraging that kind of activity”, McConnell said.

“In addition to the people agreeing to meet, we have Republican senators and a veteran senator who said, ‘Well maybe what we should do is do it in a lame duck.’ Orrin Hatch, Lindsey Graham, others have said that”.

Biden responded after the video went public noting that he “presided over the consideration of Justice Kennedy, Reagan nominee, who was confirmed in a Presidential year”.


Speaking of meeting Merrick Garland, I should probably disclose that he and I first met 30-plus years ago, when I was a law student interviewing with his firm for a summer job. “We will stand by him from now until he’s confirmed and he’s sitting on the Supreme Court”.

Mitch Mc Connell Holds News Conference As Congress Enters August Recess