
Garth Brooks Fries Phone And Next Album Along With It

Garth Brooks and his bandmates perform at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Okla., Friday, January 9, 2015.


Garth Brooks, the top-selling country artist of all time, is finally set to return to the Bay Area. The 53-year-old has revealed that he recently lost six months’ worth of songs he was working on for an upcoming new album – all thanks to a broken cell phone. In addition to all the pictures of family and friends, the singer has been working on a new album and he has many compositions on the handheld device.

“We’re working on new music”, Brooks told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel when he was in Wisconsin for three shows last weekend.

If any Brooks superfans out there know how to extract data from a “fried” cell phone (warning: he might mean that literally), you should send him your resume via snail mail to ensure he gets it and doesn’t delete it.

Brooks isn’t giving up on the fried phone, though. He is supporting his ninth studio album, “Man Against Machine”, which is his first since 2001’s “Scarecrow”.

“I know, it’s like losing your briefcase back in the ’90s”, he quipped.


The couple have been on the road on Brooks’ comeback world tour, which has been playing multiple nights in many markets.

Garth Brooks loses six months worth of songs to 'fried' phone