
Gary Johnson: I might be the next president

It reported that more than 90,000 people contributed an average of $32 in support of the Libertarian candidate-nearly double its goal. However, this could not be further from the truth.


In a normal election season, this announcement wouldn’t matter much. “And if that’s the case, then siphoning off votes from one of the major party candidates could mean that one of these minor party candidates is a spoiler”.

He is a likable guy who is pro-choice, supportive of gay marriage and wants to legalize marijuana.

“I think a lot of people are going to consider that a wasted vote is going to be a vote for either Trump or Clinton”, Johnson told a rally crowd Wednesday.

Mike DeRosa, a Green Party member and candidate in CT, said submitting almost double the required names provides a firm safety margin against signatures deemed unqualified by Secretary of State, Denise Merrill. She supports women’s rights, LGBT rights, moving towards fully clean energy, a $15 minimum wage and universal healthcare.

Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton and the Green Party’s Jill Stein will have their party affiliations listed with their names.

The likelihood of either of them winning the presidency is unbelievably slim. “Does it make you uncomfortable about some of those in the Libertarian Party movement, ” Sharpton continued, implying debate attendees were racists. Even if the next poll isn’t as close, some voters may be wishing for other options.

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson said Friday that his charitable contributions are “negligible”, bordering on “almost nonexistent”.

But before Sharpton’s blatant shilling for Clinton he took shots at the Libertarian Party in ways that seemed to be created to discredit them. “Together we can show Americans that the only wasted vote is one cast for someone who you don’t believe in”.


The Libertarian Party candidate has consistently placed third in surveys of the voting public, behind the Democratic and Republican candidates, with his support hovering at around 10 percent, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight. When libertarian candidates have made inroads in the GOP in the past, it has often been in some of the party’s rightmost precincts. “The criteria will be reapplied between the first and second presidential debates and the second and third presidential debates”.

SALT LAKE CITY UT- AUGUST 6 Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson talks to a crowd of supporters at a rally