
Gary Johnson: ‘I take complete responsibility’ for Aleppo flub

“And what is Aleppo?”, replied Mr. Johnson, who’s the former Governor of New Mexico and a supporter of legal recreational marijuana.


Washington-The presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party said Friday he is not familiar with one of the worst-hit cities in the six-year long Syrian war. But when asked about Aleppo, I thought at the time they were saying an acronym, not something related to the conflict in Syria.

Johnson, a former Republican governor of New Mexico, has been trying to turn the two major candidates’ low approval ratings to his advantage in the race to win the November 8 election.

“He is really very much of a leader”, Trump said of a man who has overseen the murder of his domestic political opponents and critical journalists, the rigging of elections, a global campaign of disinformation and a foreign policy whose first aim is to increase Russian influence at USA expense.

“Gov. Weld and I are grateful and excited to have the support of the Independence Party of NY”, he said”.

“Everything we are doing on radio, television and the Internet is geared toward increasing awareness of the governors, and with that awareness, upward movement in the polls”, Joe Hunter, a Johnson-Weld campaign spokesman, said in a statement.

Schwarzenegger’s call comes just two days after former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney also called for Johnson and his running mate Bill Weld to be allowed to participate in the presidential debates. He. needs to average 15% from voters in the polls leading up to the September 26th debate. He has been more successful on both fronts than Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

“In an environment where there is dread of making a choice between the two, that presents an opportunity for a third-party candidate”.

“All of us work so hard and care so much about these issues”, he said. It features both Johnson and his running mate, Republican former Governor William Weld of MA. “I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign”.


Johnson is on 49 state ballots plus Washington, D.C., and is expecting to achieve ballot access in Rhode Island any day, which would give him theoretical access to all 538 Electoral College votes.

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