
Gary Johnson wastes no time going after Bernie Sanders supporters

Presumptive Democratic nominee for USA president Hillary Clinton has been given a major boost after Bernie Sanders threw his support behind her.


“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her here today”, said Sen.

Sanders also said he will “make certain she will be the next president of the United States”, referring to Clinton. Bernie Sanders stand together during a campaign rally where Sanders endorsed Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S., July 12, 2016.

“Too many Americans are still being left out, left behind and ignored”.

Sanders connected with the youth demographic who didn’t feel they could trust Clinton despite her resume.

Sanders’ plans to continue campaigning and spread his message.

In defending his endorsement, Sanders said Clinton understands progressive principles like the need to raise the minimum wage, for example, and lower student debt.

“The candidate who wants less war is endorsing the candidate who launched wars in Iraq and Libya and would lead us to a new war in Syria”, Miller said.

“I’m on the fence between writing in Bernie and voting for (Green Party candidate) Jill Stein”, said Frank Meehan, of Peterborough.

We found several Bernie Sanders supporters at the State Capitol who had mixed feelings about his endorsement. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

The Vermont senator saw his longshot bid for the White House quickly catch fire in 2015 at large-scale rallies where he denounced income inequality, the influence of Wall Street and the role of big money in politics – all part of a system he described as “rigged”.

Trump, who has courted Sanders’ backers as the primaries have winded down, wasted little time going after Sanders, accusing him of capitulating to Clinton.


He went on: “Hillary Clinton understands that if someone in America works 40 hours a week, that person should not be living in poverty”. “Sanders was not true to himself and his supporters”.

Bernie Sanders set to endorse Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire rally