
Gates Foundation announces new $5B investment in Africa

The tech industry billionaire will spend the day attending a conference about the global AIDS crisis.


Communities are encouraged to engaged in 67 minutes of community service in honour of the 67 years that South Africa’s first post-democracy President, Tata Rolihlahla Nelson Mandela, dedicated to the public service fighting for social justice. Health is a major focus. This is fitting, because in many ways, “living together” was also the theme of Nelson Mandela’s life.

He said Africa’s youth should be given a chance to grow and get a better education as this was fundamental to the continent’s overall development.

Many people have been inspired by the South African movement, especially their decision to forgive and move on.

As leaders of the Catholic Church in South Africa, Fr. Rakeketsi stresses the importance of “keeping the vision” of Mandela alive in people’s minds.

“We are the human beings that must take action and we have to decide now because this unique moment won’t last”.

Gates said Mandela was an “advisor and inspiration” while he was working on Aids issues on the continent.

Today South African’s commemorate former President Nelson Mandela’s birthday by engaging in 67 minutes of communal activities. An estimated 25.8 million people with HIV live in countries in the region, accounting for almost 70 percent of the global total, according to

“We must clear the obstacles for young people…if we invest in the right things and ensure that the basic needs of Africa’s young people are taken care of, they will have the ability to change the future”, he said. “We are looking towards the future where technology will play an increasingly important part of our literacy campaign, not to mention the fact that access to technology often accelerates the learning process”, Goodman said.

Gates concluded his lecture by insisting he believed that Africa could achieve the future it aspired to. “I look forward to engaging with Gates views on how we continue to work collaboratively to improve the lives of all people through the extraordinary efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”.


Let the words of Nelson Mandela guide us all to become passionate about our rainbow nation and lead the way for a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic and free society.

Mr. Bill Gates