
GCSE results 2016: Stanborough School

Twins Jack and Anna Smith are among the Year 11 students at Giles Academy celebrating their GCSE results today.


Monkton principal Chris Wheeler said: “Our GCSE pupils must be congratulated on these excellent results which have broken all previous school records at A* grade”.

“As a school the results show a significant improvement on a year ago – demonstrating the ambition of our staff to always do the very best that we can to give opportunities for our students to succeed”.

Particular mention should go to Sean Cross who achieved the top results at GCSE with 5 A*, 4 A and 1 B grade and will be returning to St. Mary’s to continue his studies at A Level.

The standard of students across the city achieving grade C or better in both maths and either English Language or English literature has been achieved by 55% of students this year.

Mr Cumming added: “These results show that the ethos we have created of determination, ambition and resilience has paid off”.

75% of our pupils achieved A* to C in maths and 82% achieved the same in English.

Effie McFadyen got only A* and A grades.

The overwhelming majority of boys will be remaining at the school to study A-levels.

Ponteland High School headteacher Kieran McGrane said: “These results are incredibly pleasing and truly reflect the hard work and effort on the part of our brilliant students and committed staff”.

The highest performing department was mathematics, where 90 per cent of students achieved A* or A grades. “Congratulations to the staff at Thomas Hardye, and staff in our feeder schools, who have done so much to contribute to our continued success”.

Hope Valley College students have celebrated another year of GCSE success.


Over a third of all students achieved more than their expected progress in English. And there were many other students who demonstrated what hard work and good teaching can achieve.

Record GCSE results spark celebrations in Cumbria