
Geneva police hunting 5 suspects related to Paris attacks, source says

It added that Geneva police had “raised its level of vigilance but Swiss authorities have not otherwise changed the overall public security status in Switzerland”.


Daily newspaper Le Temps, quoting a source close to the investigation, said United States intelligence had identified three jihadist cells in Chicago, Toronto and Geneva.

Following the Paris attack that killed 130 people, threats of ISIS attacks seem to be everywhere.

Already several days ago security personnel and checks had been upped at the various entrances to the United Nations site, UN diplomats said.

The office of Switzerland’s top prosecutor said in a statement it had opened a probe into “a terrorist threat in the Geneva region”, targeting unnamed individuals over possible support for banned groups, including “Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State”.

Abdeslam wasn’t among those being sought Thursday, a Swiss police official said.

Earlier on Friday, UNOG spokesman Rheal LeBlanc told Sputnik that the increased security measures at the UNOG would stay in place until further notice from Swiss authorities.

Police were focused on high-risk locations such as the buildings of global organisations, the airport, the train station and synagogues.

“We have gone from a vague threat to a specific one”, Emmanuelle Lo Verso, a spokeswoman for the security department, told the AP.

Fares, a French national, is said to be the recruiter of Foued Mohamed-Aggad, the third attacker at the Bataclan theater in Paris.

“As part of investigations conducted both internationally and nationally following the Paris attacks, Geneva police and its partners are actively searching for people flagged by the Confederation”, the security department statement said.


Among other events, Geneva hosts a centuries-old commemoration called “Escalade” this weekend recalling a 1602 battle in which citizens repulsed Savoy invaders.

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