
George P. Bush: Jeb Bush Will ‘Pivot’ on Loaded Language

AMY ROBACH: Now to your voice, your vote, Donald Trump holding a pep rally tonight in Alabama.


Trump is speaking at Ladds-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama tonight and city officials are expecting a turnout of some 35,000 people.

The candidate most imperiled by Trump’s staying power is Bush, whose campaign had expected that Trump’s childish antics would position the former governor favorably as the party’s resident grown-up. Not only are they loyal to the Bush dynasty, they’ve seen insurgent candidates flare up before and aren’t spooked by Trump, unlike some of the less experienced contributors to some of the other campaigns. ABC’s Tom Llamas has been following it all and has the latest from Atlanta, Georgia this morning. Those of Christie’s supporters who came to him for his combative style might look to Cruz rather than Trump. And as the billionaire rides this wave of popularity, one candidate is trying to take him head on.

In a recent phone call with a longtime friend who has been acting as an informal adviser, Trump warned: “If I’m going down, then Bush is going down with me. He’s been a Democrat longer than a Republican“.

Jeb Bush appears at an event in Barrington, New Hampshire on August 7, 2015. For him to get things done is hard.

A day after a firestorm over GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s use of the word “anchor baby”, his son George P. Bush told a major Spanish-language news organization his father will “pivot” from “loaded” terms like “anchor baby” and focus on the country’s complicated issues.

Bush went on to attack Trump over his hard-line immigration proposal, arguing it was not just “vitriolic” but would have a massive price tag. “But hundreds of billions of dollars of costs to implement his plans is not a conservative plan“. This so-called anchor baby would have to wait until he or she was 21 years old to even begin the process of sponsoring his parents for citizenship. I can’t believe anyone in “mainstream” American politics uses it.

Asked Thursday how Bush can reconcile his efforts to distance himself from his family yet rely on their fundraising power, Bush told reporters in New Hampshire that he’s happy to have their help.

“From what I know now, no”, White, a southeast Ohio county commissioner, said about supporting Bush.

BUSH: No. Do you have a better term? “I promise you, if I’m elected president of the United States I will restore the traditional role of the United States as a leader for peace and security”.

“I have my own record, my own life experience”, he added. Bush, “as co-chair of the Hispanic Leadership Network, he signed off on a memo that warned conservatives that the term anchor baby could be viewed as offensive”. Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to hit back at the former governor, saying: “They’re called babies”.


The change in tone may be an answer to the so-called Trump effect, which the website Vox describes as the attempt by nervous rivals of Trump to say things they may come to regret down the road, specifically about immigration.

Jeb Bush shakes hands with his brother George W Bush as they step off Marine One at Mac Dill Air Force Base Florida