
George Takei Says STAR TREK is about Starship Earth

Star Trek: Discovery’s Bryan Fuller tweeted yesterday that “a favorite TOS episode Balance of Terror is a touchstone for the Star Trek: Discovery story”.


If Star Trek hasn’t been a cult phenomenon for decades, a new era of myth and legend is about to be born with a new TV Series entitled Star Trek Discovery which will debut in January 2017 on the digital platform CBS All Access.

Accolades for “Star Trek” are filling the internet on the 50th anniversary of the television show’s premiere back in 1966, and now the pope’s newspaper has joined the chorus of hosannas for one of the most popular franchises in entertainment history. The “Star Trek” franchise, he added, “doesn’t share in the kind of cynicism and negativity that some of these other superhero films do”.

Netflix has pulled together everything you can possibly binge on!

“We launched the Roddenberry Foundation to build on my father’s legacy and philosophy of inclusion, diversity and respect for life to meaningfully improve the lives of people around the world”, said Rod Roddenberry, son of “Star Trek” creator Gene Roddenberry, in a statement.

Streaming video giant Netflix has secured a landmark global licensing agreement for the new Star Trek television series that will see each episode made available globally within 24 hours of its U.S. premiere. It’s basically Star Trek’s equivalent of the Star Wars EU’s Thrawn Trilogy – designed for new readers, epic, surprising, and with lasting consequences.


The new reaction buttons feature some of the franchise’s most iconic characters and quirks: the Vulcan salute takes place of the Love button, Kirk is Haha, Spock is Wow, Geordi is Sad, and Klingon is Angry. “The fact that there’s still a conversation about it means that there’s still room to go in terms of it being normalized”.
