
George W. Bush joins Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, viewed in Republican circles as a possible U.S. vice presidential candidate, will endorse U.S. Senator Marco Rubio for their party’s 2016 White House nomination on Wednesday, three days before her state’s presidential primary, said a source familiar with the situation.


Trump also threatened to launch a lawsuit targeting Cruz’s eligibility to be president, given the Texas senator’s Canadian birthplace. Even in the annals of frivolous lawsuits this takes the cake.

On the trail, Cruz is urging South Carolinians to ignore negative attack ads before they head to the polls.

Cruz dared Trump to sue him over the campaign ad, which featured a 1999 video clip of Trump saying he was “very pro-choice” on abortion.

Much of the debate took place over the television airwaves, as Trump, 69, a billionaire businessman and former reality TV star, lobbed charges at his rivals at an MSNBC town hall, and Rubio and Cruz battled in back-to-back appearances at a CNN town hall in Greenville, South Carolina.

John Kasich told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews that it is “kind of hard for me to believe” Donald Trump will ever become president and said he remains confident a positive message and hard work will ultimately resonate with voters. It’s all about him and I’m the only guy going after him. “We weren’t safe”, Trump said. As endorsements go, this one is highly coveted. His own words, Trump’s appearance on the debate stage where he supported Planned Parenthood, Trump’s advocacy of his sister for the Supreme Court, and Trump’s past donations to Democrats.

“I don’t think your message is resonating”, Scott told Bush in front of about 300 people.

Cruz, who won the Iowa caucuses, is looking to pick up momentum to challenge front-runner Donald Trump.

Haley’s endorsement was considered the most coveted among SC politicians. It’s the latest searing attack from Cruz in the ongoing fight between the two senators as they look for a strong showing in SC. “Because then they’d say, ‘Oh, what’s he saying?’ And they would shut up”.

His brother, former president George W. Bush, stumped for him for the first time in North Charleston Monday night.

“I actually grew up listening to ’90s hip-hop music, especially the West Coast stuff, and I really liked it”, he said.

It didn’t take long for Trump to fire back.

Haley is expected to help portray Rubio’s continued viability as a candidate beyond the primary process and into the November election versus a likely showdown with Democrat Hillary Clinton. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction – there were none”.


And he addressed a question from the audience about another allegation that Trump has thrown his way: that Cruz may not be eligible to be President of the United States because there is a question over whether he’s a “natural-born citizen”, as required by the Constitution.

Ted Cruz in Iowa Jan. 7 2016