
George W. Bush Will Hit the Campaign Trail for Jeb

He’s since profanely promised to bomb Islamic State fighters.


Choosing a “fresh” face has its virtues, but it is simply impossible for a presidential campaign – in the crush of midsummer – to fully vet each person on even a “short list”.

And his emerging status as the anti-Trump seems to give him objective – even when on Fox News, the outlet that in many ways created Trump as a political force.

Sanders, a Vermont senator and self-proclaimed democratic socialist, raised $5 million-plus in less than a day after his New Hampshire triumph.

This is a waking nightmare for Republicans who want to win in November. On CNN, he reminded listeners that two-thirds of Republicans still don’t support Trump.

Mr. Kasich finished ahead of Sen.

On the stump Friday, Trump also quickly moved on from his criticism of his GOP rivals’ ties to lobbyists and special interests to instead hammer on his core issues like trade and President Barack Obama’s dealing with countries like Iran.

Ted Cruz wins by surviving as other candidates wash out, then by defeating Trump head to head. This is not to say Clinton does not find support among younger voters – she has had success appealing to many young women, especially.

“Jeb has had to spend more money because of his last name”, Beightol said. Yet among the hardliners, Trump commanded a majority, 51 percent, more than doubling up Cruz, another immigration hardliner, who came in at 19 percent.

While retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, far at the bottom of the polls, were not really factors in the election at this point, the dropping out of any of the rest field, filled with mainstream candidates with the exception of Trump and anti-establishment candidate Texas Senator Cruz, bears significance that would reshape the GOP nomination contest.

Sam Wang, a professor at Princeton University analyzing the race, estimates that a candidate could take 50 percent of the delegates during this period with only 30 percent of the vote on average so long as there are four or more candidates running. That group made up nearly 4 out of 10 voters Tuesday, and 44 percent of them voted for Trump. “Few people understand that better than President Bush who knows that we need a tested, strong leader as our next commander-in-chief”. With Trump dominating the coverage and the polls, Iowa and New Hampshire failed to fulfill their traditional vetting roles.

Facing a renewed onslaught of attacks from his GOP presidential rivals on the stump and in TV ads, Trump, who has built his campaign on sharply pointed jabs and harsh rhetoric, is now calling his campaign one of “great optimism”. “We’re looking for it. We know we won in Iowa”.

“[Governor] Kasich has consistently supported gutting the military and has no viable path in the Palmetto State”, read an internal campaign memo from the Bush campaign leaked to Politico.

But Cruz and his supporters’ total investment? Kasich and Cruz led that group, and Cruz also claimed the largest share of those voters in Iowa. Although Democratic primary voters didn’t feel quite as negative about the government as their Republican counterparts, 49 percent of them said they were dissatisfied with the way the federal government is working and another 12 percent said they were angry. Los aspirantes a convertirse en el candidato del Partido Demócrata a la Casa Blanca, el senador Bernie Sanders y Hillary Clinton, se dan la mano tras un debate durante las primarias del partido en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Milw…


According to exit polling data, Trump ran strongest among Republican voters who were anxious about immigration, the fate of the economy, and the threat of a terrorist attack in the US.