
German bond yields drop after Fed highlights inflation, growth lag

Economists are even more confident than the bond market that the Fed will raise borrowing costs this year.


Regulators, possibly with Congress’s help, also need a more transparent market: After the October rally, some regulators were surprised to learn that they have no visibility into more than 40 percent of dealer-to-customer transactions. While a September rate-hike was seen as a near certainty a few months ago, recent developments in China and the eurozone as well as the continuing fall in oil prices has made analysts less certain of the Fed’s timing.

But skeptics wonder if the Fed is likely to begin hiking rates while inflation remains subdued. Recently it looks like momentum has been building for a rate rise over at Threadneedle Street.

“Your starting point is so low that the Fed is going to have to make several increases before it becomes anything noticeable”, McBride says.

Comparing interest rates to sunbathing, she wrote: “Linger too long in the sun and your skin may take on a slightly pink glow”. Investors set yields and prices on debt securities through their activities in the bond market (prices and yields move in opposite directions).

There were renewed expectations for an interest rate hike by the Bank of England (or BoE) in the midst of better-than-anticipated consumer price inflation (or CPI) numbers.

While Arnaud eagerly awaits a rate hike, many investors are concerned about the impact it will have on their portfolios.

The benchmark U.S. 10-year-note yield fell six basis points, or 0.06 percentage point, to 2.07% at 4:59 p.m. ET, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data. Panicky investors yanked $68 billion out of bond funds. Addressing this fragmentation will require a longer-term solution. Our top pick is Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade (symbol VFSTX).

As expectations on the Fed to tighten next month pulled back, the yield on the two-year Treasury note fell to 0.653% Friday from 0.676% Thursday. Inflation chips away bonds’ fixed return over time and it is a main threat to long-term bonds.

Julian Chillingworth is chief investment officer at Rathbones.

Why interest rates matter to bond investors Not all bondholders are alike. And if rising rates are a sign of an improving economy, the risk that borrowers might default diminishes, enhancing the attractiveness of these loans.

The Philadelphia Fed survey index came in at 8.3, well above the expected 6.75. The probability was 48% at the end of last week.


Currently, Arnaud’s CF Canlife Global Bond fund has between a 5 and 10 per cent weighting in hybrid bonds, which combine both debt and equity characteristics. Brent crude was flat at around $47 a barrel. That way, if rates rise, you’ll soon have money coming due for reinvesting in bonds or CDs with higher yields. Based on recent action in the Treasury market, however, the crowd’s still expecting low-flation to roll on for the near term. The overall industry saw an uplift in prices after a downfall in the first three months of the year. “Long-dated Treasury bonds are good to be had”.

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