
German politician hit by chocolate pie

Sahra Wagenknecht is a prominent member of Germany’s far-left Linke party, which was meeting in Magdeburg when the attack took place.


Ms Wagenknecht has highlighted the limits to Germany’s ability to take in migrants and refugees, insisting that “not all refugees can come to Germany”.

A German left-wing politician, known for her strong anti-migrants stance, was targeted by an activist who shoved a chocolate cake in her face during a meeting.

A man, said to be an anti-fascist protester, threw what appeared to be a cream chocolate cake into the face of Wagenknecht while the party congress was in progress.

Beatrix von Storch of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party suffered a similar fate last month.

The attack was an apparent protest over Sahra Wagenknecht’s stance on migrants, according to BBC, and a group called Anti-Fascist Initiative “Cake for Misanthropists” claimed responsibility.


Germany has taken on a major role advocating for refugees from Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans.

German MP suffers ‘cake attack’ over refugee stance