
Germany: Syrian refugee music festival bomber had direct contact with accomplice

The attacks have brought Merkel’s policy of welcoming refugees – more than 1 million previous year – under renewed criticism. In the most recent attack, a 27.


In the wake of the attacks that rocked the Bavarian cities of Wurzburg, Munich, and Ansbach – at least two of which were linked to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) – Bavarian Governor Horst Seehofer said that “Islamist terrorism has arrived in Germany”, adding that Germans are “full of fear” as they face “an entirely new dimension of terrorism – the Islamist-minded terrorism”. It’s unclear where the money came from – but it is “unlikely that it could have been paid for exclusively from what an asylum-seeker in Germany gets in the way of pocket money”.

He added that a roll of €50 notes was found on Daleel, saying it was “unlikely that it could have been paid for exclusively from what an asylum-seeker in Germany gets in the way of pocket money”.

Attacker Mohammed Daleel died and 15 people were wounded when his bomb exploded outside a wine bar Sunday night after he was denied entry to a nearby open-air concert because he didn’t have a ticket.

The deadliest attack – in Munich on 22 July which left nine dead – was carried out by German teenager of Iranian extraction but was not jihadist-related.

Herrmann says that whoever the assailant was chatting to knew he had explosives. He travelled to Germany posing as a refugee. “Islamic State did not start this war with you”, said Daleel in the video.

German train operator Deutsche Bahn said Wednesday it would invest heavily in increased security and hire hundreds of security staff to control trains and train stations across the country.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) confirmed the written assessment, first reported by the daily Bild, and said that he had at first not been deported because of his acute mental instability. The Syrian, who had no previous police record, was released following the search.

The Ansbach explosion was the last of four attacks in Germany in a week, two of which were claimed by IS.

Earlier, following the violence, Bavarias justice minister, Winfried Bausback, had also claimed that Islamist terror has “arrived in Germany, ” stressing that the country should “take that into account.

She had faced criticism from opponents for her muted response to four violent attacks that shook the country over the past 10 days.

The fact that three of the terror attacks that shocked Germany last week took place in its largest state of Bavaria is a “nightmare” for locals, and shows a failure of the European Union and Berlin to deal with migration, Thomas Jahn of the CSU party told RT.

Also Thursday, Germany’s commissioner for immigration, refugees and integration called on mosques across the country to be more proactive in regard to preventing extremism among Muslim youths.

Germany is on edge after four attacks in the space of week, two of which were claimed by IS.

Both men had claimed allegiance to so-called Islamic State.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the government will take the necessary measures to find organizers of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe.


In northern Germany, police on Wednesday raided a mosque in the town of Hildesheim, seen as a meeting point for radical Islamists, Lower Saxony state said in a statement cited by German news agency DPA.

Daesh claimed responsibility for suicide bomb outside German music festival in Bavaria