
Get Your First Look at Brazil in Civilization VI

Firaxis and 2K Games have just released a new trailer, giving us a quick look at Brazil and some of the perks that come with it. You can check out the trailer below.


Pedro II, born in 1839, was the second and final ruler of the Empire of Brazil, a 19th-century state comprised of territories encompassing Brazil and Uruguay.

You can check out the new trailer, as well as new screenshots, for the game for yourself below.

Groomed for rule from the age of five after his father abdicated the throne and fled to Europe, Pedro II was known for his strong devotion to his people despite his resentment towards the monarchy that robbed him of so much of his childhood. Sadly for Pedro II, despite all he did to steer Brazil to prosperity, he was usurped in a surprise military coup and exiled to Europe where he spent the remainder of his days. “His nickname was ‘The Magnanimous, ‘ and he earned a reputation of being an enlightened monarch”.

When playing as Brazil, you’ll have an added advantage if you’re near rainforests. After he recruits a great person, Pedro will get some of the point cost back. Brazil’s unique district, the Carnival, replaces the Entertainment Complex for the faction. Once this is built, players can then start to build the Carnival City Project which turns production into extra amenities.

The Minas Geraes battleship is Brazil’s unique unit.


Civilization VI will be coming to PC on October 21.
