
Getting your old headphones to work with the iPhone 7

If you want to cling to your old headphones, the ones you can use with every other device, there’s a lightning to stereo jack adapter in the iPhone 7 box that you can use. It shifts the technology and circuitry controlling the audio quality from the phone into the headphones themselves.


Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller said ditching the jack comes down to “courage to move on to something new”.

It was also taking up a bit of space, space that Apple wanted to use more effectively for something else.

The iPhone 7 is available from a starting price of £599 for the cheapest 32GB option.

As well as receiving sounds from your phone, these typically act as transmitters too – a bit like the iTrip devices which allowed you to stream music to your auto stereo, so there’s a bonus in being able to turn other devices into Bluetooth players too – using an a adaptor such as the AGP Portable Wireless Bluetooth Transmitter and Receiver.

On Twitter, people noted that both the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in jet black seemed to sell out in minutes.

But there are waterproof phones that use headphone jacks?

The two lenses will also sense depth and allow users to blur backgrounds in images, mimicking an effect that typically requires changing the lens aperture in stand-alone cameras.

Analog isn’t always bad though, is it?

Apple is including an adapter for headphones – yet another thing to carry around. It didn’t who made the headphones and if it was the same manufacturer as the company that made your phone. It was open, it was ubiquitous and it was easy. Its surface is equally as hard as other anodized Apple products; however, its high shine may show fine micro-abrasions with use. Microphones, medical devices such as blood pressure monitors, and card readers have all used the port in the past.

According to rumors from close to the Apple supply chain, low component yields may have an impact on the iPhone 7, with sales numbers set to fall significantly in the early weeks of the device’s release.

Aside from just audio output, the AirPods have one or two tricks up their sleeve that are exclusive to Apple. When I was reviewing a Moto Z, there were several instances when I needed a headphone jack only to remember my phone didn’t have one.


Even if it does work, you might still end up needing not only the Belkin adapter, but also the 3.5-mm audio adapter that came with your iPhone 7, and a Lightning-to-USB adapter, both of which would plug into the Belkin one.

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