
Ghost Rider Confirmed for Agents of SHIELD Season 4

Gabriel Luna will be the man to play Ghost Rider on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Last season, the show’s third season, highlighted the conflict with Inhumans as Coulson and Quake assembled their team of Secret Warriors to battle Hive and the remnants of Hydra.

Here’s the first meeting of FitzSimmons in Iain De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge’s screentest. There was an understandable school of thought that the character might work best on Netflix alongside Dardevil and the Punisher, but having him on Agents of SHIELD would be an interesting move to get another superhero on the show (and one with potentially spectacular visuals, at that) without needing to call in any bigger names. Guess what? They nailed it. Also screened was a fake scene Joss Whedon shot for the pilot to test the chemistry of Chloe Bennet and Brett Dalton. That sentiment wasn’t lost on another fan at the microphone, who revealed her imminent joining the police academy, inspired by her heroes.

Another asked if Daisy would get another love interest after Lincoln, to which Gregg joked that “we’re trying to cast that, but no one seems to want the job”.

It’s a shame that Marvel haven’t yet chose to bring Ghost Rider back from the wilderness with either a movie or an R-Rated TV show of his own.

For those of you anxious that this iteration of Ghost Rider won’t be able to live up to the edgy and wild style of the comic, Agents of SHIELD is getting a later timeslot at 10pm ET/PT when it returns this fall.

Robbie Reyes is not the original Ghost Rider.


The announcement was made at the close of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel Friday at Comic-Con, with the producers declining to divulge further details.

Comic-Con 2016: 'Agents of SHIELD' Teases Hunter-Bobbi Return, Ghost Rider