
Ghost Security Groups Spys on ISIS Instead of Hacking Them

Anonymous said they’d reported the information to official authorities around the world days ago which was first reported and picked up by the worldwide Business Times.


Hence, closing down thousands of Twitter accounts by Anonymous will not eliminate the terror group and terrorism outright, they rather help extremists move, plan, attack and bomb secretly out of sight.

Poucher said the hacking collective can effectively administer such an attack on the terrorist group’s social media because they have tools that “might be better than any world government’s tools to combat ISIS online”.

The operation uses that Twitter handle to tweet lists of accounts that, the group’s anonymous organisers say, are associated with extremist groups like Islamic State. “Another goal is to make sure Daesh knows that the world knows and cancels the attacks, which will disorientate them for a while”, the apparent release read.

In a statement Saturday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it was aware of the alleged threat and was taking the matter seriously. In fact, the latest reports indicate that the leaderless pack of hacktivists is not only incapable of disrupting ISIS, it seems like Anonymous is totally fucking this one up.

Links to the how-to guides can be found here-although Anonymous has respectfully asked the readers adhere to using these guides for #OpParis-along with instructions on how to find and remove ISIS accounts, report information back to Anonymous, and more.

At this point, I would suspect anything unearthed by Anonymous that they claim to have gotten from ISIS to be bogus, not because they are low life scum but because ISIS could be playing them. @AnonymousPress has more than 300,000 followers.

To the applause of its own supporters, Anonymous claimed on Friday to have whacked more than 20,000 ISIS accounts-amounting to almost half of the known active accounts, according to estimates from earlier this year.

Nailing down 5,500 ISIS affiliate Twitter accounts makes little sense for a one-time exercise as new ones will spring up from time to time.

Unlike most activist hacker groups that try to shut down ISIS controlled websites and social media accounts through distributed denial of service (DDos) attacks, members of Ghost Security operate more as a spies that hackers.


ISIS has also taken its attacks online, having hacked the social media accounts of the US Central Command, which oversees United States military operations in the Middle East. It also hijacked and defaced the live feed and social media accounts of French media outlet TV5Monde with the words “Je Suis ISIS”.

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