
Ghostbusters extended cut will have 15 minutes of new footage

Given the opportunity to reboot the franchise, it was Feig who saw a way to bring one of his personal comedy influences into the 21st century.


I can vouch that Ghostbusters is one of the good ones. Feig introduces the new crew smoothly as high-flying scientist Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig) tracks down her somewhat sketchy old friend Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy) and gets sucked into the makeshift supernatural investigation unit she’s formed with ingenious nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann (Saturday Night Live’s Kate McKinnon). But if you like slightly silly, gag-packed movies starring talented comic actors at the top of their games, this is a real treat.

Listing off puns is nothing new to Welby, who has managed to show her love of movies with other film-themed forecasts, including ones referencing “Star Wars”, “Back To The Future” and “Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice”.

“Gender issues are really complicated and they have more to do with society, obviously, than with film, per se”, says Reitman. Despite the hostile reactions in some circles, she was confident that “People are going to love this movie so much that they’re going to demand more and more”. Co-stars include Chris Hemsworth as their receptionist, Andy Garcia as the mayor and Cecily Strong as his assistant. The designer also called on a team of artists to dream up new weaponry that puts a twist on recognizable objects like a wood chipper or a bear trap. The haters just seem to take their “popcorn movies” too seriously.

Naturally, the idea for another “Ghostbusters”-as a sequel-was one that had been explored for quite a while”.

Now, he’s open to doing a sequel with Ghost Corps, the production company he and Aykroyd set up along with Sony Pictures to explore opportunities with the franchise.

“It was just starting anew and it’s how we ended up here”. “But the limitations of Ghostbusters make Wiig, McCarthy, McKinnon and Jones even more valuable”.


“I think it’s done exactly that”.

Who you gonna call? Melissa Mc Carthy, Kate McKinnon Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones are the new Ghostbusters.- Contributed