
Giant squid spotted in Japanese harbor

Measuring in at almost 25 feet long, the aquatic beast known as Architeuthis gave biologists an unprecedented look at the animal’s habitat and predation behavior.


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Spectators on a pier in Toyama Bay in central Japan were treated to a rare sighting of a giant squid on Christmas Eve.

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“My curiosity was way bigger than fear, so I jumped into the water and go close to it”, Akinobu Kimura told CNN.

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“This squid was not damaged and looked lively, spurting ink and trying to entangle his tentacles around me”, the diver told CNN. Squid sightings like this are rare, with the first reported one happening in 2012. Majority wash up on shore as corpses, while live ones dwell in only the deepest parts of the ocean. It’s likely a juvenile, as it was on the small side for the species, at about 12 feet long (adults can reach some 30 to 40 feet long).

A giant squid, normally only found in the deep sea, was swimming in shallow bay waters of a marina in Japan. It eventually made its way back to sea.


This wasn’t a squid hunt, either; this squid just turned up in the bay, much to the surprise of pretty much everybody who saw it. For those keeping track, now the internet is arguing over whether this is indeed the giant squid, Architeuthis Dux, or another species that’s grown to an unusual size, or a new species altogether.

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