
Gingrich: Indiana ‘Life or Death’ For Cruz

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll on Sunday showed Trump 15 points ahead of Cruz, a wider margin than other recent surveys compiled by RealClearPolitics.


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz admits he’s putting all his eggs into IN, but a new poll suggests a win Tuesday IN the Hoosier State’s Republican presidential primary against front-runner Donald Trump may be too high a mountain to climb.

The toxic message that Cruz is sending to non-Trump Republicans is that Donald Trump is just like Hillary Clinton, so if Trump is the nominee, don’t bother to show up and vote.

“I don’t think people can get away with that stuff”. Even Cruz has acknowledged that a Trump win there could make it impossible to block the front-runner from winning the nomination. They note that supposedly Cruz-supporting delegates are now beginning to waver on their commitment to the Texas senator in multiple states, favoring party unity instead. Fifty-eight percent of them say they disapprove of the combined effort to block Trump, while only 22 percent said it was a major factor in their vote. In addition, Cruz’s “Hail Carly” – as USA Today deftly characterized the candidate’s sudden choice of Carly Fiorina as a running mate last week – has apparently had only a modest impact on Cruz’s poll numbers.

A delegation made up of 10 Cruz supporters and three Donald Trump supporters, proposed by the convention’s nominations committee, passed on the first ballot late Saturday. “Donald right now is on the 30-yard line, and he wants everyone to say, hey, the game is over because I’m past the 50”.

“Well, actually, with all due respect, the media has given 2 billion [dollars] in free advertising to Donald”, Cruz shot back, an apparent reference to a New York Times report that delved into Trump’s free-media exposure.

“No one is getting to 1,237”. “And as a result, the whole strategy of Ted Cruz of a second ballot [at the convention] will have been rendered not true”. Baseball sticks? Football hats?

“Sure, I’m the foreign one.”

But if the presidential candidate fails to reach the threshold of support required to secure the nomination before the end of the primary season, and the race goes to a brokered convention, they would become powerful chips in the grand bargains that would take place there.

IN has 57 Republican delegates. “But when it comes women and Hispanics, Trump polls like Lucifer”. “Clinton and Sanders are more likely to divide the delegate pool, which will do little to change the narrative on the Democratic side”. To prevent the current GOP front-runner from reaching the 1,237 delegates needed for the party’s nomination, Kasich agreed to reshuffle his resources to OR and New Mexico, leaving IN to Cruz.

But Trump’s lead is just one point when matched up against Bernie Sanders, 47 percent to 46 percent.

Clinton mingled with voters at a pancake house in IN, where she leads Sanders by 4 points.


Sanders does better against the GOP contenders than Clinton in Indiana. “In this case you got a guy who is angry, his reputation is at stake with the Trump camp because he didn’t exercise as efficient campaign as the Cruz-Kasich people”.

Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina during a campaign stop in Indiana