
Gingrich slams media’s ‘deliberate distortion’ on Trump star tweet

The saga over Donald Trump’s controversial weekend tweet that some say is anti-Semitic continues, this time involving a children’s book based on the Disney DIS, +0.14% animated film “Frozen”. The meme was found on an Internet message board popular among white supremacists and neo-Nazis posted as early as June 22, the Independent reported.


Donald Trump told an OH audience on Wednesday that he regretted his campaign’s decision to delete a controversial tweet widely viewed as anti-Semitic. The star was just “a regular star or maybe a sheriff’s star”, Trump said Wednesday evening, and added he wished his campaign had not deleted the image.

At a rally in Cincinnati, Trump said he “shouldn’t have” removed the original tweet and accused the media of having “racist tendencies”.

“When an out of touch with reality nominee hires an out of touch with reality campaign manager, who is also a son-in-law, you get the BS Jared wrote”, said Schulder.

Kristen Bell, who voices Anna in Disney’s “Frozen”, slammed Donald Trump on Thursday for tweeting about a “Frozen” coloring book instead of speaking out on the police shootings deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

Hillary Clinton responded to Trump’s Frozen tweet with this zinger: “Do you want to build a strawman?“.

“These people are sick, they’re sick”, Trump said about the media, while pointing the finger at CNN. “But I know many of his supporters are, and they believe for whatever reason that Trump is the candidate for them”.

When it comes to online “Twitter wars” American presidential nominee Donald Trump just can not seem to let it go. Rather, the controversy is yet another sign of how the carelessness in Trump’s campaign can and does give a platform to his followers who share anti-Semitic sentiments.

Kushner, an Orthodox Jew who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka (who herself converted to Judaism before their marriage), has no official role in the Trump campaign.


“Knowing Trump personally has nothing to do with the impact he has on his supporters”, Schwartz said. “I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we are all the same and everyone is doing the best they can with what they have”.

Kristen Bell told Trump on Thursday'#Zip it Don & get ur head outta ur