
Girl finds razor blade in Halloween candy

There are sick people in the world that find it amusing to pass out candy bars with the intentions of harming, or killing, children.


After the young girl and her friends went trick or treating Thursday night, they made a decision to swap candy, according to Reynoldsburg Police Lt. Shane Mauger’s statement to USA Today.

Stephanie says she did see the blade with her own eyes.

The children had dumped the candy onto the floor when they discovered a bite sized Snickers bar that contained a razor blade.

“We was like What?!” “I had always heard it, but I’ve never seen it”.

“This is the first time in 19 years that I’ve handled anything like this”, he said.

As a precautionary measure, the police x-rayed the rest of the victim’s candy, but found nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.

Police said they were reviewing the circumstances and inspecting other candy given out in that area. “It just puts you on edge”.

Although the child in this case was not injured, many parents worry about unsafe Halloween candy.


Stephanie Trout says its right out of a spooky story.

Police: Razor blade found in candy bar given out in Central Ohio