
Girl Takes Bite of Raw Deer Heart, Dad Brags on Facebook

“Shot in a bush block on a friends farm last weekend”.


From Johny’s perspective, Chloe had been hunting with him since she was eight months old on a front pack. More than 1,100 people liked the comment.

The idea to bite into the deer’s heart came from her uncle. “Then she took a bite from its warm quivering heart, Go Chloe”.

Along with it, the dad also shared a picture of Chloe biting the deer’s “warm quivering heart”.

The Facebook page quickly attracted “haters” who criticised Yuile for taking his daughter hunting at such a young age, branded the hunt “sadistic” and wrongly accused the pair of killing an animal for sport. “It was either forced or she truly does have some deep problems”.

“Eating a raw creature’s heart after you kill it”, wrote commenter Charles Haley. Sound a touch evil. “Good on you for taking her hunting, letting her use a rifle”, began one comment. So you go out of your way to get good grades at school, you make sure you do everything your parents say and you even help clean up around the house.

Taking a bite of raw heart is a symbolic gesture, but it does raise health concerns; raw meat in general can carry unsafe bacteria and parasites, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Click through to BuzzFeed if you’re interested; I’ll be posting pleasant deer pictures over here.

Many commenters on the post criticized the dad’s parenting abilities, while some defended what they described as an old hunting ritual.

“I thought it was really cool because I like hunting with my dad and we can get some meat for my family”, she continued.

The father of a girl photographed taking a bite out of a deer’s heart after she had just killed it has said he is not fussed what people think.


A photo of a young girl digging her pearly white baby teeth into the heart of the first deer she’d ever killed proved to be a bit too much for the internet this week. “I wouldn’t say [it is] ritualistic, but she is a hunter now”. “Kids kick up a stink when they don’t want to do stuff but ya know what she gave it a go and bagged herself a great deer that will feed her family”.

Johnny and Chloe Yuile via Facebook