
Girls to be tried as adults in Slenderman stabbing case

A Wisconsin judge decided on Monday that the two teens, allegedly responsible for the well-known Slenderman stabbing, will be arraigned as adults. A Waukesha County judge ruled Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier will be tried in adult court.


Marsha Levick of the Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia says it would be “absurd” to keep the girls in adult court.

But last year, both 13 year old Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, planned and carried out the stabbing of a classmate to appease a fictional character-Slenderman.

An adult conviction could net them 45 or more years in prison.

Prosecutors say the girls lured a classmate into the woods after a sleepover and stabbed her repeatedly to impress the Internet character Slenderman.

The victim did survive, and the two young girls were taken into custody.

He said they are just children.

“She’s a little girl”, Morgan Geyser’s father said.

The ruling means they may face decades in jail.


Judge Michael Bohren expressed concern about what would happen to the girls after juvenile court supervision ended when they turned 18, since they intentionally tried to kill someone, rather than simply making a mistake.

Morgan Geyser Anissa Weier