
GIS Playing Key Role in Battle against Zika Virus

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared a public health emergency in Puerto Rico after 10,690 cases of Zika virus were reported.


According to the Monroe County Health Department, mosquitos in MI are not known carriers of the Zika virus, adding they do not expect the virus to spread.

The Puerto Rico Department of Health said 10,690 cases of Zika virus disease have been confirmed, including 1,035 in pregnant women.

Statistics on the latest test results carried out by health care officials reveal that about a quarter of all Zika cases in the United States are obtained in New York City.

Rebecca Gilman said it is Canada’s second case of maternal-to-fetal transmission of the virus, which has been linked to serious birth defects that include microcephaly, where babies are born with abnormally small heads and underdeveloped brains to mothers who were infected while pregnant.

Because of the possible association between Zika virus infections in pregnant women and certain birth defects, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that pregnant women and women trying to get pregnant consider postponing travel to areas with Zika virus transmission.

The Aedes mosquito, which inhabits tropical areas, bites an infected person and then carries the virus to another person it bites.

The virus is mainly transmitted by mosquitoes, but it can also spread via sexual contact.

Mrs. Burwell said she will move $34 million to the National Institute of Health to maintain government research into a Zika vaccine, while shifting $47 million to a biomedical authority that funds parallel efforts in the private sector. Meanwhile, the number of Zika cases in Florida continued to climb Friday.

“Miami-Dade County will continue to protect the public health and safety of its residents and those who visit our community at whatever cost”, he wrote. The CDC also urges pregnant women to use a condom when sexually active with a partner who has also traveled overseas to areas where Zika transmission is active.

Zika has spread rapidly through Latin America and the Caribbean region since 2015. A full list of countries where the disease can be transmitted is available at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Canada’s public health agency has recommended that women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant shouldn’t travel to areas with Zika outbreaks.


“The lack of a clean, bipartisan Zika funding bill has left me no choice but to move forward with this action at this time”, Burwell said Thursday.

Greg Lovett