
Gloria Steinem apologizes for ‘Bernie shaming’ on Bill Maher show

Why do we care what two 80-year-old women think of young women’s feminism?


Leading off ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos announced: “Overnight, Bill Clinton lashes out against Bernie Sanders and his supporters”.

First the radical feminists came for the conservative women, but you do not speak up because you aren’t conservative. “He tied the Vermont senator to supporters who harass female Clinton voters online”.

“Feminist icon Gloria Steinem, appearing on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher”, said Sanders” female supporters were attracted like moths to the alluring flame of Bernie’s Bros. Younger women, especially those supporting feminist goals, may want to see a woman president but not just any woman president and in particular, Hillary Clinton. “The boys are with Bernie”.

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has been offering some tough words for women who are supporting Bernie Sanders: she says there’s “a special place in hell” for women who don’t support other women.

In this rhetorical scrap within the Democratic spread, the matter of gender seems to be coupled with generational politics.

Steinem and the leaders of the National Organization for Women allowed their own partisan agenda to distort the true universality of feminism.

Steinem has since issued an apology.

Anyway, after all of these years, Gloria Steinem and the feminazis trying to rewrite history for women, after all of these years, the reason women are abandoning Hillary is boys?

“I’m so used to this”, she said.

Now normally when you do these type of interviews you go back and edit them – and have a script line, something along the lines of “some said this, and some said that” and you play the divergent views.

And now women who prefer Bernie to Hillary are lambasted for being sex-driven, traitorous creatures. When you’re young you’re thinking, “Where are the boys?”

But Steinem laughed it off, replying, “How well do you know me?”

Because that is like saying: “You should vote for Hillary because she’s a woman”. I am so here for it, and I do not doubt that equal representation matters and that a woman would bring different skills to the presidency than a man. But the problem is, I can’t morally or ethically support a candidate who doesn’t have a sturdy passion and dedication on imperative issues. “How feminist is that?” So are my 25-year-old daughter and my wife. I’m not here for the boys, ‘ said Ratajkowski.

“In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what’s been misinterpreted as implying young women aren’t serious in their politics”, Steinem wrote. It’s offensive in the specific context of instructing young women about their electoral obligation.

“What I had just said on the same show was the opposite: young women are active, mad as hell about what’s happening to them, graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay it back”, she continued. Clinton’s lead in Iowa was under 1 percent at the close of the polls and days later it was announced it had shrunk even further after an audit of Iowa caucuses. A 29 point advantage over Clinton.

ALBRIGHT: You have to help.

KOTB: That’s not lost on the Clinton campaign.

These are just a few of the women leading our political revolution in New Hampshire. “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”.


I know you understand me here, dear reader; the faces of people picking through the bottom layer of a plate of nachos are all the same. She does not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman, ; she votes for Hillary Clinton if she thinks she is the right person for the job. Ms. Albright declared at a rally for Clinton in New Hampshire. But it’s caused an interesting dynamic. While Hillary Clinton has been fond of relying on her gender as proof of her progressiveness, I find this tactic cheap and more importantly, anti-feminist.

Gloria Steinem: Young women support Sanders to attract men